Your community
Your choice…
Candidate Application Period Now Closed
Join the Board
The candidate application window is now closed and applications are being verified and will be uploaded with candidate statements as the candidates are validated no later than February 10th, 2025 when voting begins.
Terms are 3 years with a maximum of 2 terms before taking a break. Your input and participation will make us successful!
Come out and help select the board that will work with the city, community groups, residents, businesses and developers to shape the future of Uptown. Important to note 1/3 of the board is up for election each year. Regular elections are held in March, and will be online and in person. Learn more about the process, candidates, dates and locations.
Election Committee
The Election Committee will facilitate all facets of each election process. The Election Committee will also be responsible for implementation and maintenance of the Community Participation and Representation Plan. This is a regular standing committee whose full responsibilities and membership are defined in the operating procedures.
Click the link below to take you to Google maps for Neighborhood.
Important dates to remember
Online Voting
Friday, February 28th
Online voting will begin on Friday, February 28th, and will continue through March 11th.
In person Voting
Friday, February 28th
In-person voting will continue from February 28th, March 1st, and March 3rd from 4:30 to 7:00 pm, Then again on March 11th from 4:00pm to 8:00 pm at the regularly scheduled March meeting.
on line voter registration ends
March 9th 500 PM
While online registration ends on the 9th, online voting will continue through 2 hours into the regular March meeting on March 11th or 9:00 pm.
Results announced
March 13th
Results of the Uptown community planning group election will be announced. by 5pm
24 hour challenge period
Starting March 13 at 5:00pm, the public will have 24 hours to submit an online dispute to the UpCPG election committee at Contact@uptowncommunityplanning.org
You must type “Uptown election challenge” in the subject line
New members seated
April regular meeting
At the April regular meeting the newest board members of the UpCPG will be seated.
Neighborhood Representation
The UCPG board is structured to allow each neighborhood community to have a voice in the planning process.
Each neighborhood has 2 seats elected by the residents of that community. Candidates must live or own property in that community. One seat is for a property owner, the other for a renter.
Businesses serve the community at large, and so these seats are elected by all Uptown residents. There are 5 seats, no more than 2 of which can be from a single community. The 6th seat is reserved for a non-profit organization.
Two non voting large employer seats are appointed by the board.
Vacant seats may be filled by appointment until the next election. The tables to the right show how the seat elections are distributed across election cycles
Large Employer seats are board appointed based on nominations, aligned to cycles 1 and 3