
  • Current Community Plan

    The update to the 1988 Uptown Community Plan was adopted by City Council on Nov. 14, 2016 and provides detailed policy direction to implement the General Plan with respect to the distribution and arrangement of land uses, the local street and transit network, the prioritization of public facilities, community and site specific urban design guidelines, and recommendations to preserve and enhance natural open space and historic and cultural resources with the Uptown Community

  • Amendments in Progress

    Building on the Uptown Community Plan policy framework, Plan Hillcrest will address housing and development strategies intended to strengthen the business district and bring neighborhood benefits where they are needed most. The neighborhood’s unique LGBTQ+ history and culture define its identity as a welcoming place for people of all backgrounds.

  • General Plan

    The City's General Plan is its constitution for development. It is comprised of 10 elements that provide a comprehensive slate of citywide policies and further the City of Villages smart growth strategy for growth and development.

    Community plans work together with the General Plan to provide location-based policies and recommendations in the City's fifty-plus community planning areas. Community plans are written to refine the General Plan's citywide policies, designate land uses and housing densities, and provide additional site-specific recommendations as needed

  • Board Meeting Materials

    Agendas and Minutes of the UCPG Board. Committee documents can be found on their respective web pages.

  • Operating Procedures

    The UCPG Operating Procedure, as submitted for recognition

  • Community Participation Plan

    The UCPG Participation Plan, assubmitted for recognition

  • Map of Community Boundaries

    City provided map of the boundaries the Uptown Community Planning Area and the neighborhoods within.