Neighborhood Candidate Qualifications

What neighborhood board seats are available?

Each of the six neighborhoods in Uptown (Bankers Hill/Park West, Hillcrest, Medical Center, Middletown, Mission Hills and University Heights) has two seats available to residents and property owners.

One seat is allocated to Property Owners (for the avoidance of doubt, including Residents who are Property Owners). Each Community shall be represented by one such voting member seat reserved for Property Owners (each, a “Property Owner Seat”).

The second seat is allocated to a Renter. Each Community shall be represented by one such voting member seat reserved for Renters (each, a “Renter Seat”) an individual identified as a person who leases or rents a residential dwelling unit within such Community and occupies the same as such person’s primary residence.

The eligible voters in a Community shall elect these members representing the Community, and each voting member shall be, and shall remain throughout their entire term of service as such, an eligible property owner or renter and maintain their qualifying eligibility.

How long are the terms for elected board members?

Voting members of the UCPG shall be elected to serve for fixed terms of three years. No person may serve as a voting member of the UCPG for more than six consecutive years. For the avoidance of doubt, such term limit is measured based on a person’s total consecutive years of service time as a voting member of the UCPG in any capacity (i.e., such term limit is not measured based on total consecutive years of serving time holding any particular designated voting seat). Any person who accumulates this maximum service time as a UCPG voting member shall again be eligible for election to the UCPG after a one-year break in service as a UCPG voting member.

How do I prove my eligibility?

Consistent with state and federal law, proof of residency or identity, should consist of presenting an original or copy of any of the documents described below in either paragraph (1) or (2). These requirements will be construed liberally by the UCPG and any doubt resolved in favor of allowing a community member. 

(1) Current and valid photo identification provided by a third party in the ordinary course of business that includes the name and photograph of the individual presenting it. Examples of photo identification include, but are not limited to, the following documents: 

(A) driver's license or identification card of any state;
(B) passport;
(C) employee identification card;
(D) identification card provided by a commercial establishment;
(E) credit or debit card;
(F) military identification card;
(G) student identification card;
(H) health club identification card;
(I) insurance plan identification card; or
(J) public housing identification card. 

(2) Any of the following documents, provided that the document includes the name and address of the individual presenting it, and is dated since the date of the last election, unless the document is intended to be of a permanent nature such as a pardon or discharge, including: 

(A) utility bill;
(B) bank statement;
(C) government check;
(D) government paycheck;
(E) document issued by a governmental agency;
(F) sample ballot or other official elections document issued by a governmental, agency dated for the election in which the individual is providing it as proof, of residency or identity;
(G) voter notification card issued by a governmental agency;
(H) public housing identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(I) lease or rental statement or agreement issued by a governmental agency;
(J) student identification card issued by a governmental agency;
(K) tuition statement or bill issued by a governmental agency;
(L) insurance plan card or drug discount card issued by a governmental agency;
(M) discharge certificates, pardons, or other official documents issued to the individual by a governmental agency in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment, sentence, or other matter;
(N) public transportation authority senior citizen and disabled discount cards issued by a governmental agency;
(O) identification documents issued by governmental disability agencies;
(P) identification documents issued by government homeless shelters and other government temporary or transitional facilities;
(Q) drug prescription issued by a government doctor or other governmental health care provider;
(R) property tax statement issued by a governmental agency;
(S) vehicle registration issued by a governmental agency; or
(T) vehicle certificate of ownership issued by a governmental agency. 

Other than the above, what do I need to provide to apply for a seat on the board?

To apply for a board seat, a candidate just needs to provide;

1) completed application, available here

2) candidate statement and optional profile photo