Business Candidate Qualifications

What business seats are available on the board?

Five voting member seats are reserved for representatives of Business Entities (each, a “Business Seat”).  Each voting member holding a Business Seat shall represent the Uptown community at large, and all eligible voters shall elect such members collectively, provided that no more than two Business Seats shall be held by representatives of Business Entities within the same Community.  “Business Entity” means a local business at a non-residential real property address within the Uptown Boundaries as evidenced by a business tax certificate or other official document.

One voting member seat is reserved for representatives of Non-Profit Entities (the “Non-Profit Seat”).  The voting member holding the Non-Profit Seat shall represent the Uptown community at large, and all eligible voters shall elect such voting member collectively. 

A voting member holding a Business Seat shall be, and shall remain throughout their entire term of service, an individual identified as a representative of the Business or Non-Profit Entity they were elected to represent.

How long are the terms for which a board member is elected?

Voting members of the UCPG shall be elected to serve for fixed terms of three years. No person may serve as a voting member of the UCPG for more than six consecutive years. For the avoidance of doubt, such term limit is measured based on a person’s total consecutive years of service time as a voting member of the UCPG in any capacity (i.e., such term limit is not measured based on total consecutive years of serving time holding any particular designated voting seat). Any person who accumulates this maximum service time as a UCPG voting member shall again be eligible for election to the UCPG after a one-year break in service as a UCPG voting member.

How do I prove eligibility?

Business and Non-profit Candidates.  A single person may be appointed by a business or non-profit to cast the vote or run for a board seat representing that entity. If that person is not named on the identification outlined below, they must also have a signed letter from that organization or owner of record appointing them as the sole representative. Only one candidate per business will be eligible to stand for election.

Community Business Owners.   Business Owners within the community should present an original or copy of a Business Tax Certificate or equivalent document showing a business address within the Uptown Boundaries.

Community Non-Profits.  Employees of non-profits within the community should present an original or copy of their founding documents or a related document showing approved nonprofit status and an associated address within the Uptown Boundaries.

These requirements will be construed liberally by the UCPG and any doubt resolved in favor of allowing a person to stand for election. 

Other than the above, what do I need to provide to apply for a seat on the board?

To apply for a board seat, a candidate needs to provide;

1) a completed application, available here

2) a candidate statement and optional photograph (head shot)

That’s it!