It all began with an idea. A group of neighbors in Uptown decided to swing for the bleachers and we are on our way. Should San Diego City Council approve the motion from the Land Use and Housing Committee this will be the future home of the Uptown Community Planning Group.

The San Diego City Council will vote on May 21st, in the afternoon session starting at 2 PM whether or not to adopt the new CPG structure proposed by Vibrant Uptown. The Land Use and Housing Committee voted 4-0 to make that recommendation, similar to San Diego’s decision when we moved from an at-large city council to one elected by residents of each district. In the meantime, write letters of support to your city council members and watch here for city updates;

If the council votes to recognize the Uptown Community Planning Group, here’s what will happen;

  • The current board will remain until a new board is seated.

  • UCPG will open a new web site in this space and start taking applications for the new board seats.

  • This process will be managed by a temporary Election Committee consisting of Uptown residents not running for a seat.

  • On 1 June, UCPG will open voter registration online.

  • The online election will open 2 weeks later, and 2 in-person voting events will be announced.

  • The election will close in early July, pending the City Council recognition vote and the new board will be seated, replacing the existing board.

If you are interested in learning more, click here to go to the Vibrant Uptown CPG project page.

We hope you will get involved in the future of our Uptown communities!

Support our CPG application,

May 21st 2 PM at the City Council